Draft to implement Maryland's 10-year education reform effort to be released soon


Photo by hd3dsh/stock.adobe.com.

A draft plan to implement Maryland’s multi-billion dollar education reform plan, which lawmakers approved last year, is set to be released next month.

Comprehensive reforms will expand early childhood education, create a diverse workforce with qualified teachers, improve college and career readiness, provide additional resources for selected students, and maintain accountability. We focus on one area, or pillar.

Maryland’s Future Accountability and Implementation Commission Blueprint continues to hold work sessions with feedback from education professionals, school officials, and early childhood providers.

This week, the board will seek funding to ensure that 3- and 4-year-olds with disabilities, homeless students, and students whose homes do not speak English as their first language can attend free full-day preschool. We discussed one proposal.

Our current funding scheme did not include some of these children whose families may not have met the state’s low-income requirements.

The group’s executive director and longtime legislative policy analyst, Rachel Hise, said the funding to expand free pre-kindergarten would be applied through budget manipulation this fiscal year or would go into effect next year. said it was possible.

This adjustment would require a statutory change in legislation, which could be done when a new General Assembly is convened in January.

“These are some details that need to be worked out,” she said.

Several programs to be launched within the already approved blueprint plan include a $2.5 million allocation to the “Teacher Collaborate Grant Program”. The half-day frame in front of kindergarten has been expanded and moved to a full-day frame. and professional development of quality teachers.

The board evaluated dozens of other early childhood and teacher recommendations, illustrated in colorful charts such as:

  • School districts may lease commercial space to house preschool students when public space is not available.
  • Design and implementation of a pre-kindergarten centralized registration system.
  • The Ministry of Education has a “coordinated and equitable” plan to establish early childhood centers in communities with limited access and where there are no centers.
  • A statewide clearinghouse with real-time data from school districts on open positions.
  • Promoting teacher quality and diversity programs at historically black colleges and universities.
  • Support and development of associate professionals to become certified teachers.

The board will hold another working session on Tuesday to focus on college and career readiness and assess additional resources for some students.

Two more meetings are scheduled for September 29th and October 13th.

A public hearing is scheduled for November after the general election. The final comprehensive plan is expected to be approved by the Blueprint Implementation Committee by December 1st.

Board Chairman and former Montgomery County Administrator Isaiah “Ike” Leggett reminded attendees and those who plan to attend future conferences on Thursday how the conference will be structured.

“We are not going to re-sue the blueprint. We have been through an exhaustive legislative process that has taken years,” he said. “This is not to suggest that we are not open to changes and adjustments, but they need to be very strong and should be considered very seriously. , how to proceed with the blueprint adopted by the General Assembly.”
